Saturday, May 25, 2013

Throw yourself over the road; show them how you stand out of the crowd!

Pic Courtesy : Internet
Throw yourself over the road; show them how you stand out of the crowd!

There was a joke: A man entered Software conglomerate Bill Gate’s Office asking for a job. Persons sitting at the reception asked him whether he has an email account. He told “No.” They told him that he is unable to get a job since don’t have email account. Person was in need of a job to feed-in himself & his dependents. His was not computer literate. Walking out of MS, he though what best he can do with the small amount what he can posses. He had purchased some tomatoes and sold them over the streets. Later on, multiplying his amount by adding profits to it he could purchase a push cart and sell tomatoes, carrying in it.  

Days passed, he could open a small sundry shop & sell tomatoes from there. He had appointed some boys to sell tomatoes in push carts as well. As the business grew, he had opened a new sales office & started selling tomatoes in branded packets across the country. One day some of the representatives of MS, have visited his office to suggest him to buy a software.  Learning that they are from MS, he laughed at them & said ”I don’t have email.”  Report went up to MS management, they could realize that Owner of the branded tomatoes company is none other than the person who had been visited MS a few years back, asking for job!        

Don’t worry!  Everyone is born in this universe with some peculiar skill-set to live-in.  But only few will notice their own capabilities.   Many in this world live the life without recognizing what their inner voice say! If they listen to their own inner voice & follow what it say, then no one suffers failure in life! Surprisingly, many a times, most of the people will work without listening to their own inner voice.  Human tendency is to follow the work done by the man living in the next door or in that vicinity.  If someone purchases a new car, without estimating ourselves we tend to buy a new car; really we don’t know whether it is necessary for us or we can afford to buy.  Inner voice says “better not to buy a new car,” but egoistic people like us will neglect & purchase a car. Later we realize that purchasing the car was not our priority, maintaining the car has become a burden! This was foretold by inner voice, but it was not accepted by our ego!   

We do much kind of jobs to live in this world. If we can understand the graphical view of our walks, not every walk of ours is success. We work on trial & error statistics.  Identifying the roles & responsibilities involved in various jobs, Inner voice says “you can do this job better,” but we treat it as ‘not so good job for my statuses!’ Failing in doing varieties of jobs efficiently, we realize that we would have done the job, the one which inner voice has suggested for us, we tend to execute that job finally, where we gain success sometimes even effortlessly!   Calculating the amount of income we have lost without doing this job at early days of our professional life, we feel sorry for ourselves. Hence we learn the lesson: Listen to the inner voice.  

We are capable to perform one peculiar job, for which probability of facing the competitors is hardly.  But, having influenced by our seniors at home, we don’t do that job.  Seniors’ time span was different & the role involved was different than the role what they may suggest for us. For example, every father tries to prepare his children to become doctors or engineers. It is natural law that every one can’t become   doctor or engineer. Someone may be interested in chartered accounts, some other may be in performing arts, other may be in scientific researches etc. Children must be guided to choose a field of their own interest & they should not choose the field by force or influence.  If a person’s instinct says ‘you are becoming a doctor, then definitely he will become a doctor  & do the job well.  If someone’s instinct says ‘you are flutist’ & if he tries to become doctor, he will not a good doctor at all! 

Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He was subsequently defeated in every election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62. He later wrote, “Never give in, never -in, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

Sigmund Freud was booed from the podium when he first presented his ideas to the scientific community of Europe. He returned to his office and kept on writing.
Robert Sternberg received a C in his first college introductory-psychology class. His teacher commented that “there was a famous Sternberg in psychology and it was obvious there would not be another.” Three years later Sternberg graduated with honors from Stanford University with exceptional distinction in psychology, summa cum laude, and Phi Beta Kappa.

Charles Darwin gave up a medical career and was told by his father, “You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat catching.” In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, “I was considered by all my masters and my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard of intellect.” Clearly, he evolved.

Thomas Edison’s teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.”He was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.”As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied,  I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

Albert Einstein did not speak until he was 4-years-old and did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was “sub-normal,” and one of his teachers described him as “mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams.” He was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. He did eventually learn to speak and read. Even to do a little math.

Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” He went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. In fact, the proposed park was rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it would only attract riffraff.

Everyone of us are having such hidden treasures with-in; facing the world- battling for the job-thinking ‘how to live without?” Listen to the inner voice, Search for the key to the treasure with-in & echo this quote in your mind “willing to work with a will to win.”  I win, you win, and everyone will win, best wishes!   

Book need not have to have preface at all.

Book need not have to have preface at all.

Warm welcome to Everybody __/\__

It may be hard to believe for someone those who don’t know that I can write in English just like how I write in Kannada as well.  Writer need not stick on  to a particular language when he has no prejudice.  An Indian scholar Late| Rahul Sankrutyayana was capable of writing in 15 different languages.  He had acquired the knowledge available in many languages & mastered them one by one with effort.  Later, he was an authority for many languages, where he could teach & preach others with respect to grammatical constructs!   Though I don’t admire some of his thoughts & thesis, I must appreciate the workman ship involved.   

World has become small & manual-hard copy postings are getting vanished deliberately.  Manuscripts are history & ‘ready to print articles’ are reaching editors’ desks. Since internet & email has become communicating tool for sending & receiving the articles/information, time factor involved in communication had been minimized.  Olden day’s type of unscheduled months long waiting is criticized & ruled-out by many modern editors & authors.   

Despite having this scenario, we still have some old styled critics & authors too. Even some editors are of this type I can say.  It is common factor that sometimes though books are good in all respects, for some unknown reasons they are rejected by critics, editors, publishers; we too accept it without hesitation.  A writer need not have to take it as his failure! Indeed there is a new startup in every failure!!  Man can learn many lessons and gain experience from his failure attempts, but can’t learn much from his success! Both Failure & Success are two faces of a coin.  

There is a friend of mine, who is good author of many books, he still looks for somebody suitable to write preface for his books.  Eminent personalities of writing background will have their own schedules & they may not be able to write preface for books within short period; for which publishing works will get delay a lot. Some of the well known personalities will take months together time to read the given books & may write preface only after that.  I think, in this era we don’t need preface. Preface is nothing but sharing experience & opinion about the book by another writer-may be of some repute.  If the contents are not good, not valued, then what can be written in preface?  Preface was the indicator in early decades, but not now.  Preface is not at all the final judgment on the book, since every reader has his/her own taste.

If you can take olden days, then there were manuscripts & many grammatical mistakes. Due to involvement of computer systems now, and based on the software application what we use, we can make ready books over desktops; hence it is called DTP or Desk Top Publishing.  For a writer, what important is his skills-set. Choosing a good topic, gathering required amount of dependable information about the chosen topic, putting the material facts in text form in a preplanned amount of time with complete involvement, trimming the write-up for short & sweet strategy, thinking about the materials being in readers’ shoe, managing social responsibility of  not harming  the society by publishing unethical materials –are few factors, an author has to look into.  Rest, it is his own capacity to showcase his strength in his write-up.  There are many takers if the cake is hot & tasty!   There won’t be anybody when cake is not hot or no tasty.   Author must be able to count the chicken before they hatch. 

Lets us see what we can taste over here in due course, thanks a lot, ba bye.